Thursday 12 July 2012

Sisterly love

Ben 10 power!

Well, Sophia Lush AND her mum are appalling at keeping the blog posts rolling. But watching Sophia calm Samuel down by cooking up a batch of biscuits with him was too sweet not to quickly post! She caught his vision with the promise of light sabre and Ben 10 watch shaped biscuits...a little tricky for a soft dough. However, no trickiness with the flavour! - So good that they all disappeared before photos of their clever shapes.

 The chocolate chip biscuits from the EDC were modified with nuttlex and rice milk and oats for choc chips, (no nuts) to make them "failsafe", that is, low chemical

I have to say that Sophia's version of the Creamy Fettucine Salami was sensational. I love my 8 year old cooking our dinner. She just

  • replaced the veggies to ones that were in our fridge (broccoli and mushrooms), 
  • changed the cream, tomatoes and water to a tin of tomatoes and a tin of evaporated milk plus a little water, and 
  • changed the salami for bacon. I think it was a tiny bit lower fat - which makes up for my seconds and thirds...I think.

Leave your favourite recipe tweeks in the comments :)